Monday, December 24, 2007

Mick's First Day Home

The morning after my arrival at my new home was a lot of fun. I got to play with my new toy and my new friend Lance. Lance is a Border Collie, like me, but he's much bigger... and hairier than I am. I think we are going to be best friends. There are two little dogs here too but they aren't much fun. They just lay around and one of them, Bitsi, is always whining and it's very annoying. I was whining too but at least I had a good reason; they made me sleep in a crate last night! I'm not used to it at all. I'm used to sleeping outside with my brothers and sisters. I explored the yard a lot today with Lance and played a good game of chase. Couldn't catch Lance though, he's too fast for me. Brandon, one of my new human friends, was using something very loud outside called a leaf blower. Lance protected me from it until Janelle, my other human friend, came and saved me. I wasn't afraid though. Now I'm tired from this morning's excitement and I'm going to sleep. But not too much so I don't keep Brandon up all night again. Tomorrow is Christmas and I think I'm going to get some more toys!

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